
The school are doing a fantastic job of the home learning, the overview is really clear, and the contact and support school have given is brilliant. 

Year 2 Parent-Feb 2021

"At  Parkwood we have helpful and caring staff who all do a great job. It is the best school in the world because it keeps me healthy. Parkwood is fantastic because we learn a lot about keeping safe."


"Communication with parents is good as are the varied activities for the children. Parkwood builds confidence in the children. The great teachers make learning fun."


"Parkwood has proven to be a fantastic choice for my children. The staff are so dedicated to the care, education and well-being of every child."


"The teachers are lovely and we have lots of chances to stand up, speak out and make a difference. The school helps us think about our future and what it will be like."


"Thank you to the kind person that posted my daughter's card through the letter box! She was so sad she hadn’t brought it home, you always go the extra mile for your children"

Year 2 Parent-March 2021


"We have amazing trips and going to Nell Bank in Year 6 was a fantastic residential visit. The highlight of my school year has been going to Murton Park where we lived like Vikings for the day."
