Parkwood is a smaller than average primary school in Keighley. We are above the 80th centile for children eligible for Free school meals with 39% of children that we know of as eligible. Currently we have 19% of children on the SEN register. We also are above the 80th centile for children from minority ethnic groups and for children whose first language is believed not to be English. While our children are exposed to a high level of language at school, not all our pupils are exposed to this at home. Attainment on entry is low with between 15% and 25% at ARE, leaving 75% or more below and between 29% and 37% well below. Therefore we have massive progress to make. Our Key Stage 2 results are above national averages in individual subjects but also combined; we feel this is down to both our mixed ability and dialogic approach to teaching. Oracy is at the centre of everything we do.
We, as a school, are very passionate about children learning well in this way and are confident that we are not only raising standards in attainment and progress but we are also developing key skills the children need to develop for life.
Our journey through Talk has been exciting and extremely rewarding for us as teachers but the children have benefited much more than this. We hope to share our passion with other educational professional and together inspire many others along the way.
Reviews and Feedback from other educational professionals who have attended our training
‘I just wanted to let you know how inspired our two teachers were who came to your training yesterday. They were incredibly impressed with your school, children and staff. They very much appreciated the chance to see dialogic talk in action and thought that Sacha had structured the day really well. They are buzzing about what they want to do and how we can work with our partner school so thank you. They are really looking forward to the next session.’
‘My colleague was immensely impressed and came away with a number of excellent ideas which she is passing on. She was also very impressed by how the children in the class were responding to the lesson and the skill and knowledge that Sacha displayed’.
I am incredibly excited for what is to come. Parkwood and Sacha were brilliant hosts and I left feeling inspired to really make a difference. Thank You.’
Senior Leader
‘The training was excellent and the activities set were suitable. Visiting the classes and watching the talk take place in class was really inspiring, it helped me understand the impact the training could have. Likewise the pupil interview at the end was fantastic as it allowed us to see first-hand what the children really thought about the talk in their lessons.’
Classroom Teacher
‘Thank you very much for this training. My colleague and I found it very interesting and inspiring. The approach that you take with Oracy clearly has a profound impact upon the children as learners and the teachers as practitioners. Thanks once again for sharing your expertise and experience. I am very excited at the difference it can make for both children and teachers in the long term.’
Senior Leader
'Hearing the children talk about Oracy in school showed their engagement and interest with it and it also demonstrated how their spoken language had improved in particular their use of grammar- I have high hopes for this improving talk in my class. Thank you again, the session was incredibly interesting and impressive watching the children in action! '
Classroom Teacher
‘The session was a perfect balance of theory and practice. I left the session with a clear picture of how what I had seen could be tried in class and a real enthusiasm to get going!’
Classroom Teacher
The session made me far more aware of what young learners can achieve in terms of how they relate/articulate with each other. Observing them was a real eye-opener. For me, the session was just right; interesting, inspiring, not too wordy or document heavy, and visual. It was great to see all of the aspects in action and how it is so naturally happened in a classroom. The facilities were really good and it was nice to have that space to work in. The school was very welcoming.’
Senior Leader
‘I thought the whole day was excellent and the opportunities to partake in discussions about dialogic teaching and then seeing it in action were both extremely helpful and thought provoking for my own practice. Activities observed and suggested were impressive and showed the clear impact that the approach can have on children. The two most striking things about the approach for me were the confidence with which all the children spoke and the engagement of all children within the lessons.’ – Teacher with TLR for Oracy
Parkwood is a smaller than average primary school in Keighley. We are above the 80th centile for children eligible for Free school meals with 39% of children that we know of as eligible. Currently we have 19% of children on the SEN register. We also are above the 80th centile for children from minority ethnic groups and for children whose first language is believed not to be English. While our children are exposed to a high level of language at school, not all our pupils are exposed to this at home. Attainment on entry is low with between 15% and 25% at ARE, leaving 75% or more below and between 29% and 37% well below. Therefore we have massive progress to make. Our Key Stage 2 results are above national averages in individual subjects but also combined; we feel this is down to both our mixed ability and dialogic approach to teaching. Oracy is at the centre of everything we do.
We, as a school, are very passionate about children learning well in this way and are confident that we are not only raising standards in attainment and progress but we are also developing key skills the children need to develop for life.
Our journey through Talk has been exciting and extremely rewarding for us as teachers but the children have benefited much more than this. We hope to share our passion with other educational professional and together inspire many others along the way.
Reviews and Feedback from other educational professionals who have attended our training
‘I just wanted to let you know how inspired our two teachers were who came to your training yesterday. They were incredibly impressed with your school, children and staff. They very much appreciated the chance to see dialogic talk in action and thought that Sacha had structured the day really well. They are buzzing about what they want to do and how we can work with our partner school so thank you. They are really looking forward to the next session.’
‘My colleague was immensely impressed and came away with a number of excellent ideas which she is passing on. She was also very impressed by how the children in the class were responding to the lesson and the skill and knowledge that Sacha displayed’.
I am incredibly excited for what is to come. Parkwood and Sacha were brilliant hosts and I left feeling inspired to really make a difference. Thank You.’
Senior Leader
‘The training was excellent and the activities set were suitable. Visiting the classes and watching the talk take place in class was really inspiring, it helped me understand the impact the training could have. Likewise the pupil interview at the end was fantastic as it allowed us to see first-hand what the children really thought about the talk in their lessons.’
Classroom Teacher
‘Thank you very much for this training. My colleague and I found it very interesting and inspiring. The approach that you take with Oracy clearly has a profound impact upon the children as learners and the teachers as practitioners. Thanks once again for sharing your expertise and experience. I am very excited at the difference it can make for both children and teachers in the long term.’
Senior Leader
'Hearing the children talk about Oracy in school showed their engagement and interest with it and it also demonstrated how their spoken language had improved in particular their use of grammar- I have high hopes for this improving talk in my class. Thank you again, the session was incredibly interesting and impressive watching the children in action! '
Classroom Teacher
‘The session was a perfect balance of theory and practice. I left the session with a clear picture of how what I had seen could be tried in class and a real enthusiasm to get going!’
Classroom Teacher
The session made me far more aware of what young learners can achieve in terms of how they relate/articulate with each other. Observing them was a real eye-opener. For me, the session was just right; interesting, inspiring, not too wordy or document heavy, and visual. It was great to see all of the aspects in action and how it is so naturally happened in a classroom. The facilities were really good and it was nice to have that space to work in. The school was very welcoming.’
Senior Leader
‘I thought the whole day was excellent and the opportunities to partake in discussions about dialogic teaching and then seeing it in action were both extremely helpful and thought provoking for my own practice. Activities observed and suggested were impressive and showed the clear impact that the approach can have on children. The two most striking things about the approach for me were the confidence with which all the children spoke and the engagement of all children within the lessons.’ – Teacher with TLR for Oracy
Parkwood is a smaller than average primary school in Keighley. We are above the 80th centile for children eligible for Free school meals with 39% of children that we know of as eligible. Currently we have 19% of children on the SEN register. We also are above the 80th centile for children from minority ethnic groups and for children whose first language is believed not to be English. While our children are exposed to a high level of language at school, not all our pupils are exposed to this at home. Attainment on entry is low with between 15% and 25% at ARE, leaving 75% or more below and between 29% and 37% well below. Therefore we have massive progress to make. Our Key Stage 2 results are above national averages in individual subjects but also combined; we feel this is down to both our mixed ability and dialogic approach to teaching. Oracy is at the centre of everything we do.
We, as a school, are very passionate about children learning well in this way and are confident that we are not only raising standards in attainment and progress but we are also developing key skills the children need to develop for life.
Our journey through Talk has been exciting and extremely rewarding for us as teachers but the children have benefited much more than this. We hope to share our passion with other educational professional and together inspire many others along the way.
Reviews and Feedback from other educational professionals who have attended our training
‘I just wanted to let you know how inspired our two teachers were who came to your training yesterday. They were incredibly impressed with your school, children and staff. They very much appreciated the chance to see dialogic talk in action and thought that Sacha had structured the day really well. They are buzzing about what they want to do and how we can work with our partner school so thank you. They are really looking forward to the next session.’
‘My colleague was immensely impressed and came away with a number of excellent ideas which she is passing on. She was also very impressed by how the children in the class were responding to the lesson and the skill and knowledge that Sacha displayed’.
I am incredibly excited for what is to come. Parkwood and Sacha were brilliant hosts and I left feeling inspired to really make a difference. Thank You.’
Senior Leader
‘The training was excellent and the activities set were suitable. Visiting the classes and watching the talk take place in class was really inspiring, it helped me understand the impact the training could have. Likewise the pupil interview at the end was fantastic as it allowed us to see first-hand what the children really thought about the talk in their lessons.’
Classroom Teacher
‘Thank you very much for this training. My colleague and I found it very interesting and inspiring. The approach that you take with Oracy clearly has a profound impact upon the children as learners and the teachers as practitioners. Thanks once again for sharing your expertise and experience. I am very excited at the difference it can make for both children and teachers in the long term.’
Senior Leader
'Hearing the children talk about Oracy in school showed their engagement and interest with it and it also demonstrated how their spoken language had improved in particular their use of grammar- I have high hopes for this improving talk in my class. Thank you again, the session was incredibly interesting and impressive watching the children in action! '
Classroom Teacher
‘The session was a perfect balance of theory and practice. I left the session with a clear picture of how what I had seen could be tried in class and a real enthusiasm to get going!’
Classroom Teacher
The session made me far more aware of what young learners can achieve in terms of how they relate/articulate with each other. Observing them was a real eye-opener. For me, the session was just right; interesting, inspiring, not too wordy or document heavy, and visual. It was great to see all of the aspects in action and how it is so naturally happened in a classroom. The facilities were really good and it was nice to have that space to work in. The school was very welcoming.’
Senior Leader
‘I thought the whole day was excellent and the opportunities to partake in discussions about dialogic teaching and then seeing it in action were both extremely helpful and thought provoking for my own practice. Activities observed and suggested were impressive and showed the clear impact that the approach can have on children. The two most striking things about the approach for me were the confidence with which all the children spoke and the engagement of all children within the lessons.’ – Teacher with TLR for Oracy