Our School



                                   Headteacher - Mrs Rachel Taylor                Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Sacha Nelson


A great start for any child 


Vision and Values

Parkwood is a warm and welcoming school.  Three values underlay everything that we do here.


Parkwood is an inclusive school where all children can develop and succeed in a safe and nurturing environnment.  The support we provide for each child is based on their individual needs and they are treated equitably.  Everyone feels included because they understand that there is strength in diversity.


We aim high and expect the very best from everyone.  We provide a breadth of experiences for all pupils alongside setting high expectations that they will achieve well in reading, writing and maths and across all subjects.  This ensures that `Parkwoodies` grow into well rounded, confident and independent learners who are well prepared for the the next stage of their education and life.


We invest time and resources in developing respectful and productive relationships.  This includes between staff and pupils, within the staff team, between staff and families, with other members of our local community and further afield.  Restorative practices and coaching are an integral part of life at Parkwood.

Click on the link to view DFE School Performance Tables.
