On the discovery, disclosure or suspicion of abuse, all staff must ACT.
If in any doubt, ACT.
Inform a Named person for Child Protection (Safeguarding Team) immediately and ensure this is added on to CPOMS). Should you need to make a referral to Children’s Social Care yourself, please ring Children’s Social Care Initial Contact Point on 01274 435600 or the Emergency Duty Team on 01274 431010
At Parkwood Primary School we see the health, safety and well-being of all our children as of paramount importance to all the adults who work in school.
Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, race, culture or disability. They have the right to be safe in our school. At Parkwood we respect our children. The atmosphere within our school is one that encourages all children to do their best. We provide opportunities that enable our children to take and make decisions for themselves. Our teaching of personal, social and health education and citizenship, as part of the National Curriculum, helps to develop appropriate attitudes in our children and make them aware of their decisions on others. We also teach them how to recognise different situations, and how to behave in response to them.Our school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school.
The Safeguarding (Named person) Team
Rachel Taylor Thomas Finch
Designated Safeguarding Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead
Rebecca Quick Parveen Ali
Deputy Designated Deputy Designated
Lead Lead
Mr Gary Crompton is the Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Helen Flynn is the Link Trustee for Safeguarding
Child protection & Safeguarding Policy
Care & Control (Positive Handling) Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Information Sharing - Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
Refuge - For women and children against domestic violence
Safelives - young people and domestic abuse.
Gov.uk - Preventing Neglect, Abuse and Exploitation (including FGM)
HM Government - Counter Extremism Strategy
Gov.uk - Prevent Duty Guidance
Gov.uk - Children Missing Education
Talk to Frank - Information and Advice on Drugs
Gov.uk - DfE Mental Health & Behaviour
UK Safer Internet Centre - Advice on Online Safety
Any concerns about inappropriate conduct in school by members of staff or visitors must be taken to the Head of Academy or a member of the Safeguarding team immediately.
If you do not feel you can take your concern to the above people, please either:
Free, confidential advice about Whistleblowing can also be obtained from Protect: https://protect-advice.org.uk
If you have a safeguarding concern surrounding a student at Parkwood School, please call to speak to member of the Safeguarding Team or send us an email.
Phone Number: 01535 632 832
Email: office@parkwood.bradford.sch.uk